Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's a Wonderful Life

I guess I've taken the "It's a Wonderful Life" marathons Ted Turner gave us throughout the 80's and early 90's (both in Black and White and Colorized) for granted. I assumed Turner stations were still doing the marathons, so on Christmas Eve after my wife and I got home at 11pm, I searched all over our cable for it, and found nothing.
I thought, "fine, I'll rent it onDemand. It has to be available there." Nothing! Not on any onDemand station, not even available to rent! So what happened? Did the stations already air it?
In fact they did. NBC has the exclusive television rights to "It's a Wonderful Life" and we had literally just missed the airing by mere moments on Christmas Eve. So only one television showing per year! That's it!
After researching online, I came to found out that NBC has had the exclusive television rights of "It's a Wonderful Life" since 1994! Wow, I had no idea I hadn't been watching it on any Turner station for that long!
My thoughts are that I had viewed it so many times growing up during the holidays, I didn't even realize that the last time I had seen the film was possibly more than 10 years ago! Of course, this is the year that I wanted to see the film, soon after reading that Rotten Tomatoes had it rated as the number one holiday movie of all time, amongst film critics. I was too late to watch it before Christmas.... well Christmas 2012 anyway. Maybe I can find the Blu-Ray on sale on Amazon, so I certainly will have it to watch for Christmas 2013, or any time I wish. :)

Well at least I can watch the "Lost Ending" to "It's a Wonderful Life" whenever I want.